#Creative Campus

Partecipate to Lectio Magistralis or listen absolutely relevant speechs for young students with care for evolution and technical innovation in advertising communication, it's possible in every day of Campus and free for members. Aldo Biasi, Lorenzo Marini, Alex Brunori, Marco Cremona, Pasquale Barbella, Michel de Boer, Till Neuburg, Clara Chinwe Okoro, Giuseppe La Spada, Isabella Bernardi, Roberto Ascione, are some of many personality that annually come in Salerno for Spot School Award Creative Campus.
Meeting and dialogue between young people and professionals creative is the winning choice of Creative Campus. Students can meet some of the big of the advertising creatives in informal and pleasant space of Campus, where they can have an answer for any curiosity or question about their creative career. Experience, interaction, innovation, for an interesting creative reload for young and professionals advertiser.
Books presentation, exhibition, unespected interview and storytelling, became advertising and communication at Creative Campus. Different sessions and ideas everytime connected with a new talents and innovation in communication.